Be A Role Model!

I’ve ALWAYS taking my position as a Role Model VERY seriously! I have two younger siblings (a sister and a brother) and more little cousins than I can count on my two hands. And I TRY to be the BEST role model I can possibly be BUT I’m not PERFECT. AND I hope I’m NOTHING like most of the ones I had to learn from.

I must admit, the ones that I had(who didn’t even realize they were), are the reasons I am who I am today! They taught me a LOT about what NOT to do!

·How to stay OUT of jail

·Why I should stay AWAY from drugs and the streets

·When drinking becomes a PROBLEM

·Who NOT to get into relationships with

·What Gang Banging will do TO you

·Where NOT to hangout

I grew up in the middle of a large village and every person had their own areas of wisdom or foolishness. And because everyone was so different, I’m a unique person. I’ve always been a watcher. I took a piece of each person better side and became my own person.

I’ve broken quite a few cycle in the process as well.

*My maternal grandmother had my mother when she was 19, my paternal grandmother had my father when she was 16, and my parents were 17(father) & 18(mother) when they had me. I AM 25 AND I STILL DON’T HAVE ANY CHILDREN.

*I only know a few people that are actually chasing their dreams and none of them are apart my family. I AM DETERMINED TO MAKE MINE COME TRUE.

*I grew up around criminals and made a LOT of visits to prisons. I’VE YET TO EVER BE HANDCUFFED.

*I grew up with friends that most people would “FAST’ or “THOTS”. I CAN COUNT ON ONE HAND EVERY DUDE I’VE BEEN INTIMATE WITH.

*I know quite a few people that didn’t graduate from high school. I GRADUATED ONE CLASS AWAY FROM HONORS WITH A GOLD ROPE!

I assure I am in no way bragging or trying to make myself out to be more than I am. I just simply want you to know that you are not your surroundings and you don’t have to conform to your circumstances.

It’s OKAY to want more out of life. It’s OKAY to go your own way. Who knows, somebody might follow you. But YOU have to lead the way!

Tell me how you feel