There’s nothing like getting a text that brightens your day! I don’t think people realize how such a small gesture can truly affect someone’s day. Just a simple, “I hope you have a blessed day! Don’t sweat the small stuff!”, can improve someone’s entire aura!

I used to be that person that wrote everyone in my phone just to tell them I loved them or that I was thinking about them. Not because I wanted something or because I had a hidden objective. I did it…JUST BECAUSE!

Then, I became depressed because of the turn my life took and I stopped. Deep down, I was hoping and wishing that someone would send me those types of text. But they never came and that only made me cut everyone off. Nobody ever called or texted to see how I was doing. Still today, if I don’t reach out to people…I probably won’t talk to them. But I’ve decided that I’m going to start sending my random text again.

I may not get them in return but it’ll make my day just to make someone else feel special.

Sometimes we have to step outside of our bubbles and realize that WE ALL are going to have times that we need to lean on one another. WE ALL have bad days. WE ALL need encouragement, support, motivation, and inspiration sometimes. WE ALL want to feel like we’re special. WE ALL want to know if that “special someone” is thinking about us like we’re thinking about them.

WE ARE ALL HUMAN! We all want to be loved and cherished. Reach out to someone! Rather it’s a family member, a childhood friend, or just someone that you walk past everyday at work. I bet you’ll put a smile on their face!

Oh, by the way!

I love you and I hope your day is filled with blessings!

Tell me how you feel