THE AMERICAN DREAM…Yet to be seen.

I’ve always dreamed of moving to New York, I think it’s every writer’s dream city. It’s the picture you envision when you think of the “American Dream”. It’s the “Big City” experience everyone wants to experience.

They say if you can make there, you can make it anywhere. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wanted to take what little money I had to buy a ticket and just go to see what happens. Even willing to be homeless and work my way to the top for the complete experience, if you will.

Of course, I have yet to even simply visit but I have a feeling I’ll be getting there within the next few years. But coming from where I’m from, it’s not as simple as it may seem.

See, the “American Dream” is much harder to achieve and see with clarity from my perspective. It would be very much like The Great Gatsby. I’ve already began to reinvent myself.

It’s been a lifelong challenge to shred my circumstances and bad habits. I still have some changes to make and some habits to break but I’m well on my way. And I can’t wait until I have become the fully grown Butterfly I was born to be.

Everybody Hates Sneak Dissers

I think it’s funny how racist white people act. Being a young black female in Louisville, KY, I’ve experienced my fair share of racism. From the, I-did-nothing-wrong-but-they-labeled-me-a-thugette type of racism. To the let-me-follow-her-and-make-sure-she-doesn’t-do-anything kind. And the ever popular stereotypical kind.

The most recent “racist moment” happened when I was in Walgreen’s. Not bothering anyone, just looking around. I will admit that I was “dressed the part” if you will. I was wearing a green sweater with red sweat pants and pair of light blue Timberland boots. I’m not one that puts a ton of thought into what I wear as long as I’m comfortable, but there’s the label racism.

I was there with a loved one and as I began looking for her, I noticed two white, female cashiers near the photo station. The younger one behind the counter and the older sitting at the photo kiosk. After I found her, we separated again and I went up towards the entrance registers. I was looking at the rack and heard the the younger lady say something, almost as if she was the Chinese woman from Don’t Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking your Juice in the Hood who kept telling them to “Hurry up and buy!”. Although, I assumed she was speaking to someone else because my back was turned towards them because like I said, I was looking at a rack.

So, as I was looking, I noticed a tripod stand for cellphones. Excited about such a product, I picked it up and went to show it to my loved one. As I turned around, I noticed the women looking at me like I was somehow “up to something”. But I shrugged it off because I could care less about how someone else feels about what I’m wearing. So, I showed the item to my loved one and as we were walking back over to the rack, she confirmed that they were indeed looking at me and whispering among themselves. She said that it wasn’t until they noticed her looking at them, that they stopped.

Like I questioned my loved one, why was she even talking to me? I wasn’t even headed in her direction nor to a register, period. I was looking at a rack, still shopping. And there were two other people up there, both in which were also black females. I guess I was the only one that looked “suspicious”.

So, of course when I went to checkout I spoke with proper language and intelligence. “Oh, I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to ignore you, I just didn’t think you were speaking to me.” I then ignored her and started a conversation with my loved one and handed her my money before she even got the chance to tell me the total. I didn’t speak to her again until I said “Thanks! Have a blessed night!” Not out of spite I assure you, just out disgust.

I’ve never been one to judge by a cover, literally or figuratively. I don’t think it’s fair. But not everyone lives by Luke 6:31 “Do unto to others as you would have them do unto you.”

You know, the part that disgust me is that there are soooo many white people who claim to be devout Christians. Yet, majority of them don’t follow even the most basic scriptures. They place themselves upon the highest horses but don’t even deserved to be near it. But in GOD WE TRUST! Right?

I’ll just end by stating, they lost a customer. I surely haven’t been back since and I promise I will not be back again. I boycott businesses with bad customer service.

ARE YOU Ready for War?

We are all at war, rather we realize it are not. I’m not just talking about the war in Iraq or Chiraq. Or even the “war on drug”. We are enlisted, as Christians, into a battle every day that we are alive. It always starts in our minds!

I didn’t realize this for myself until I began reading Joyce Meyer’s Battlefield of the Mind. (If you haven’t read it already, I suggest you do so.) It was a life changing read. It wasn’t until I read it that I finally and clearly understood what Peter meant when he said “Be alert and of sober mind! Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” [1 Peter 5:8].

I’ve found this scripture, like all scripture, to be VERY true. He’s always waiting for us to drop our guard so that he can come in and disrupt our lives. It is in the Book of Job that we get the chance to see how far he is willing to go, in order to turn us away from God.

We can’t allow this to happen! The amazing part is, there are many ways to prepare for these attacks. Ways that, all throughout the Bible, are proven to work. Ranging from prayer to mindfulness. The greatest of them all are the full armor of salvation.

Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm than, with the Belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition, to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. [Ephesians 6:13-17]

Let’s start with The Helmet of Salvation! It is knowing, without a doubt, that Jesus (the Head of the Church) died for our sins and that we are saved from the consequences (which are the wrath of God and death). I like to call it the Helmet of Hope as well.

Next is The Breastplate of Righteousness! Which enables us to have a heart of goodness. It urges us to be kind and just to people, especially those we don’t know. It’s what helps us love our enemies and keeps our morals/integrity in check. It also helps us to guard our hearts.

Then, there’s The Belt of Truth! The truth about God the Father, Jesus Christ our brother, and the Holy Spirit which make up the Holy Trinity (and their functions/works). The truth about yourself (who you are created to be) and the world around you (your family, friends, country, etc.). It gives you the wisdom to stay balanced. I can’t speak for anyone else but when I read the Bible (from beginning to end), I learned so much about all three of these areas. So, I can assure that the truth shall truly set you free. [John 8:32]

There is also The Shoes of Peace! In which your steps are ordered by the Most High. Knowing that you’re walking (living) in agreement with God’s will for your life. It makes you surefooted. It allows you to be confident in yourself as well as your faith.

Which brings us to The Shield of Faith! Trusting that no matter what may be going on in your life and the world around you right now, things will get/be better. Knowing God is ALWAYS in complete control and has the final word. It gives you the strength to overcome the obstacles that the devil places in front of you. As well as, the courage to keep fighting.

Finally, there’s The Sword of the Spirit! Which is the Word of God, the Bible. I like to believe that Prayer and Scripture make up this double-edged sword.

As a soldier in the Army of the Lord, I can promise you that you’re going to need this armor for every day of your life. And that each piece is fought for and earned much like ranking in the Army. You get the Helmet of Salvation when you’re baptized but you have to work hard, on a regular basis, for the rest.

I tell you the truth, I’m still trying to put on my Shoes of Peace. I have one on but the other keeps falling off. It’s like every time I try to put it back on, the devil steps on my foot. He knows I’m covered in all other areas, so he tries to keep me worried about something. But I never give up I’m determined to put that other shoe on EVERYDAY.

So, again I ask, are you ready for war? Do you have on your Armor of Salvation?

Make Change, Add Up!

There are a lot of people in debt now days. Ranging from old bills to loans. Yet, they still haven’t made money management a required course in the school curriculums.

Personally, I didn’t learn how to manage, let alone understand the functions of money, until a couple of years ago. I learned because I was trying to get my first business started. When in hindsight, I probably should’ve learned first. Then tried to start my business and not at the same time. But hey, shrug you live and you learn, right? No regrets!

Yes, my efforts did include college. But as a result, student loans are about 85% of my debts. And I didn’t even get the chance to take ONE financial course!

Thank God, I finally got the chance to learn! If it wasn’t for the research I did, I probably wouldn’t know half of what I know now. Because school didn’t really teach me much and my parents aren’t even where I am. Although, I did learn about bill management/saving from my step-mother and bargain hurting from my grandmothers. I had to learn things like bookkeeping and investing on my own.

The times we live in and the generation that we are, doesn’t help us at all. Everything is high-class, if you will. Brands, high-tech, and keeping up with the Joneses, or should I say Kardashians?


I mean, I can understand the high-tech aspect. Technology has the power to make life more enjoyable and simpler. But keeping up with the latest fashion and trends, that ain’t my stizz. It’s never been worth it to me. Besides, they aren’t designed with me in mind.

What I’ve learned over these last few years is that: You NEED money for EVERYTHING but you don’t have to SPEND your money ON everything. Meaning, JUST because you WANT it, you DON’T have to BUY it!

How many times have you went into a store for one or two things and came out with more OR, worse , NOT even getting what you went in for. Exactly, too many times to count. But don’t worry, it happens to the best of us.

Here are some tips that have helped me and I’m sure can be useful to you as well.

  1. Save your change! It adds up!
    • I’m not talking about JUST pennies either! Dimes, nickels and quarters as well. Keep it somewhere low, in a place that you don’t look very often and nobody else would think to look either.
  2. Break your big bills first!
    • I know that’s against everything in you, but you’re going to do it eventually anyway! Trust me. Say you have a $100 or $50, once you break it, you have more bills. Put the loose change in your pot, and start putting aside your one dollar bills. (I advise a different place than your change pot. Like an envelope.) Then, start breaking your $20s, $10s and $5s. Once you’ve done that enough times you’ll have a nice saving of change and bills.
  3. Swipe less, Automate more!
    • Many people have moved into debit cards and bank apps. Yet are still having to pay overdrawn fees. My advice is to automate your bills and keep just a little extra in the bank for overage and taxes. But if you’re going to go shopping, withdraw what you want to spend and make a list. You’d be surprised how much you save when you only have enough for exactly what you need.
  4. Keep receipts, know the flow!
    • I advise you to keep them for at least a month or so, if you don’t use them for your taxes. That way you know where your money went. If you keep records of each month, you can track your spending habits. Therefore, you’ll know the average amount for your necessities and know what areas you need to make improvements in. As well as, become familiar with your bad habits. For example: How often you cook vs eat out and how often you buy unnecessary things (and what those things are.)
  5. Be Intentional! Use “The Process of Elimination”!
    • This one, ties everything together! If you know your money and your habits, you can spend your money with intention. I’ll use myself as an example. I know that when I’m about to check out, I re-evaluate my cart. Remove anything I don’t really need and make sure I have exactly what I came in for. I try to take only enough money for the items I need/came in for. That way it’s easier for me to get rid of the non-essentials, to make sure I have enough money at the checkout.

I’m not sure if these tips are helpful or not because I don’t know your life. But I know they’ve worked wonders for myself and a few people I know. So, feel free to at least try them, come back and tell me how they worked or didn’t work for you

REMEMBER: Having money doesn’t make you rich and spending wisely doesn’t make you cheap.

Created Equally but Different

Nobody will EVER respect a clone! Lol You would THINK that was common sense!

EVERYTHING about ME is DIFFERENT…on PURPOSE! I wake up EVERY day thinking, WHAT can I DO to set myself apart from EVERYBODY else?

HEAD to TOE, INSIDE-OUT! Lol I’ve NEVER met or seen someone and thought “I wanna be THEM.” If I compared myself to someone else, NOBODY WOULD MEASURE UP!