Who’s your Connect?

Many times people don’t pay real attention to the things they do and say. Let alone, the effects of those actions. Or how it all could’ve been avoided by a simple thought in the right direction. But it’s never their fault when it’s time to reap the consequences. It all starts with a thought and is always followed by a choice.

We’ve all learned about the ripple and the butterfly effect, right? Well, for those that do not know…

The Ripple Effect

What’s happening is when something effects the stillness of the water. Creating a ripple, that expands outward along the surface. But in reference to life, it’s when something happens in one’s environment that affect everyone in said environment. Prime example, Flint’s water crisis. How many people within the state AND city governments, did nothing to solve the water contaminations in the heavily black, populated area.

The Butterfly Effect

Is most commonly explained as, when a butterfly flaps its wings, it can cause a storm. But what it really means is that there are infinite possibilities as to what can happen when a particular thing happens. Something as simple as the butterfly flapping its wings could cause a forest fire. Or make a flower bloom. It’s like how in math and science, some equations could produce an infinite number of numbers. Prime example, the Chaos theory.

Every day that we wake up…

We are instantly faced with an infinite amount of choices. Equally meet with the consequences still lingering from the days before. Without giving much thought to how the choice made today will effect tomorrow just as much.

There are billions of people on this planet we call Earth. That looks different, speaks differently and live differently. Yet are connected to one another in some way or another. Rather, through lineage or marriage or network (which now includes, social media).

Which brings me to connections…

Connections are a major part of our lives, in all areas of life. Mind, soul, body and spirit. Our minds are made up of 100 TRILLION connections. And not even including the rest of the body. Our souls and spirits have infinite connects on the heavens. Now we have discovered the power of social media. Talk about being connected on the go.

There are many people who believe that you have to know everyone to be somebody. When that’s not the case at all. You really and truly and honestly only need one Person in your life. Jesus! He is the center of every connection from the beginning of time to the end.

Trust me, I would know. I’ve learned a lot over the last couple decades of my life. And I know without a doubt that Jesus has been walking with me along the entire journey. He has been the key to every locked door, the teacher of every lesson, the light in every area of dark place, and the refuge from all danger.

Now, I can’t make you get to know Jesus.

Nor will I try to convince you that you have. It’s your life, you have free will to live it however you see fit. But I most definitely will make the suggestion. I’m only going to tell you from real life experiences!

Not because of the stories in the Bible (although they definitely help you understand and see how God work in our lives), but because I truly have seen Jesus in action in and around me. Jesus is that small voice that speaks to your subconscious. He’s the urge to run and hide when you hear gun shots. He’s the prompt that makes you give to the homeless person on the sidewalk. He’s the one that gave the artist the vision to create their project.

He’s the One that speaks the Heavenly Father God on your behalf. Unless you don’t believe in God! Maybe you don’t believe there is a such thing as eternal life. Maybe you don’t believe that the stories that make up the Bible are real. Maybe it’s not possible.

BUT what if it is?

What if the main reason why your world is falling apart is because you don’t have That One Connection, that is Jesus? You don’t have the One Person you need in order for everything to sync together in harmonious union. Have you really ever even gotten to know him for yourself? Or are you still going off what you’ve been told about Him? Make the ONLY connection you’ll ever need today!

REACH OUT: The simplest things can go a long way!

There’s nothing like getting a text that brightens your day! I don’t think people realize how such a small gesture can truly affect someone’s day. Just a simple, “I hope you have a blessed day! Don’t sweat the small stuff!”, can improve someone’s entire aura!

I used to be that person that wrote everyone in my phone just to tell them I loved them or that I was thinking about them. Not because I wanted something or because I had a hidden objective. I did it…JUST BECAUSE!

Then, I became depressed because of the turn my life took and I stopped. Deep down, I was hoping and wishing that someone would send me those types of text. But they never came and that only made me cut everyone off. Nobody ever called or texted to see how I was doing. Still today, if I don’t reach out to people…I probably won’t talk to them. But I’ve decided that I’m going to start sending my random text again.

I may not get them in return but it’ll make my day just to make someone else feel special.

Sometimes we have to step outside of our bubbles and realize that WE ALL are going to have times that we need to lean on one another. WE ALL have bad days. WE ALL need encouragement, support, motivation, and inspiration sometimes. WE ALL want to feel like we’re special. WE ALL want to know if that “special someone” is thinking about us like we’re thinking about them.

WE ARE ALL HUMAN! We all want to be loved and cherished. Reach out to someone! Rather it’s a family member, a childhood friend, or just someone that you walk past everyday at work. I bet you’ll put a smile on their face!

Oh, by the way!

I love you and I hope your day is filled with blessings!

RACISM IS STILL ALIVE: We have to reach COMMON ground!

I don’t agree with Common on this one. It doesn’t make much sense to me. Simply because why should “Blacks” be the ones to extend a hand of “Love”?

I could list a million reasons why it should definitely be the other way around. If my memory serves me correctly, Black people have NEVER hung whites. BUT I know how EASILY people FORGET! So, I’ll just suggest reasons why I think BOTH sides NEED to extend a hand of Love!

1.) BOTH have misconceptions of each other. White people believe that ALL black people are criminal minded and violent. Black people believe that ALL white people are prejudice and privileged. When in actuality, there are people on both sides with these traits.

2.) BOTH have dysfunctions. Whites and Blacks both have deep, dark family secrets. Whites and Blacks both have mental health issues. Whites and Blacks both have flaws.

3.) BOTH have been brainwashed by the media. Whites are “portrayed” to be “the vision of perfection”. While, Blacks are “characterized” to be “the vision of oppression”. It’s not hard to see that most black roles are written to enforce stereotypes.

4.) BOTH sides have members that just refuse to get with the times. There are still some Whites that are racist and see ALL black people as a threat to them. There are still some Blacks that have “slave” mentalities. And see white people as slave drivers/owners.

5.) BOTH sides need to get with the program! It is now 2015 and somehow there are still people who are stuck in 1915. Although, I will say that we’ve made progress towards becoming a better country. But we still are miles away.

I’ve never understood racism personally. It seems like such a small-minded concept to me. That you would limit one race of people to make your race seem superior. It’s really backwards to me.

I’ve seen that when we all come together for the same common goal, we get more done. Faster. We realize how much we truly have in common. Most of us realize, that our government has so much to do with the state in which this country is in. But we as citizens have the power to change that. There is strength in numbers.

IMAGINE THIS: We as citizens took it upon ourselves to make things right. We chose to treat each other the way we want to be treated. We stopped judging people by their appearance/status but by their actions/mentality. We stop allowing the media to form our opinions and start thinking for ourselves. We continue to make efforts to understand one another, rather than making assumptions.

When it comes down to it…We ALL have flaws. We ALL have problems. We ALL are humans. NO ONE PERSON IS ABOVE OR BELOW THE NEXT PERSON. We should ALL stand TOGETHER, side by side. Arm in arm.

It’s been said many time in many ways and in many countries…


THE AMERICAN DREAM…Yet to be seen.

I’ve always dreamed of moving to New York, I think it’s every writer’s dream city. It’s the picture you envision when you think of the “American Dream”. It’s the “Big City” experience everyone wants to experience.

They say if you can make there, you can make it anywhere. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wanted to take what little money I had to buy a ticket and just go to see what happens. Even willing to be homeless and work my way to the top for the complete experience, if you will.

Of course, I have yet to even simply visit but I have a feeling I’ll be getting there within the next few years. But coming from where I’m from, it’s not as simple as it may seem.

See, the “American Dream” is much harder to achieve and see with clarity from my perspective. It would be very much like The Great Gatsby. I’ve already began to reinvent myself.

It’s been a lifelong challenge to shred my circumstances and bad habits. I still have some changes to make and some habits to break but I’m well on my way. And I can’t wait until I have become the fully grown Butterfly I was born to be.

No New Friends…Few REAL Friends

I told you!

They say friends are family members we get to choose for ourselves. And we all know how dysfunctional family can be. Yet, we can go from talking/hanging with someone every day to never talking to them again. But that’s fine right? Or nah?

I can’t speak for you, but making friends has never been at the top of my list. It has a lot to do with the fact that I grew up with a big family. And we didn’t just get to together for reunions, we got together almost every weekend! So, I never had the urge to make friends. Don’t get me wrong, I had friends, but I picked them and I picked very few.

Between the years of 04-08, I went to live with my Popz side of my family. So, I didn’t get to hang with my cousins and childhood friends as muchFB_IMG_1425197727554. Then, when I moved back, I wasn’t the same and neither were they. As a result, I started cutting people off and distancing myself. I didn’t discriminate either, it was family and friends alike.

I think that happens a lot in relationships. When life starts hitting us, (and most times, it hits us all in a different way), we get defensive. It’s just our nature, to come out swinging and sometime as a result we don’t care who gets hit. And because it hits us all differently, we feel as though people aren’t there for us when we need them the most. Not necessarily because they left or didn’t try to reach out but because we believe they wouldn’t understand.

As far as where I am now, I would love to have some people to chill with. Yet, I’m not the best mingler. Small talk isn’t something I do. I can’t just walk up to people and start talking to them, unless I have A VERY STRONG URGE to do so. It’s awkward to and for me.

The fact that I have trust issues, probably doesn’t help either, huh? *shrug* I just don’t trust a person as far as I can see them. Two-faced is a real personality trait to me. If you walked in my shoes, you’d understand.FB_IMG_1424985515708

Don’t get me wrong, I admire those that are overly friendly and can talk with anybody. I feel as though that’s a very special quality. I know a lot of people like that and it amazes me every time I see them in action. But, it’s not who I am. There was a time when it was me, but that little girl died in 2003.

I know that I’m a great friend and I’m not ever intentionally mean to anyone; but I’m just a quite person. If you don’t start a conversation with me, we probably won’t ever have a conversation. UNLESS, I’m extremely moved to do so and the perfect time arrives. It’s nothing against you or that I think I’m better than. I’m just not a small talker but I am a complimenter.

I love to give people compliments! That’s probably the thing that starts every conversation I’ve ever had. But few ever really move past “Thanks!” and “You’re welcome!”FB_IMG_1425022429330

I’m not exactly sure how to change, so I’ve left that in the hands of the Holy Spirit. Because I’ve said, many times, that I was going to try to just walk up to people and start conversations. I never do of course. Truth is, I never know what to say to keep the conversations that I do start going. Because I don’t know them; so here’s my conundrum, how do you get to know someone if you don’t know them enough to get to know them?

Luckily for me, I have a big family and a few friends that love me unconditionally. Headed in the direction that I’m headed in, I’m going to NEED to learn how to network and start conversations with complete strangers. So, I started praying for help in this area, and God sent family and friends back into my life that I believe will help me get to where I need/want to be. People who understand my personality and appreciate it. People who can push me forward and help me up when I fall short.

This is what we all need and want when we look deep within. People that love us unconditionally. Fully, truly, honestly, and genuinely. And we ALL hurt when we love someone in such a way and find out that they don’t/didn’t love us in the same respect. But I’ve learned that everything has its seasons, even relationships.FB_IMG_1424558999077

The Holy Trinity are the ONLY ones that will be with you forever and always. They are the light you search for and find in the deepest of darkness. I can’t speak for everybody, but I know for sure, looking over my life…They’ve ALWAYS been there and have NEVER left!

Creative Commons License
This work by Jasmine Harris is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.