THE HUNGER GAMES: Just a movie or a forewarning?

I’m not sure how many of you have actually watched the movies or just seen the previews but I assure they are really amazing movies. I promise I’m not just saying that because Jennifer Lawrence and I are from the same city. Although, she’s the reason why the movie is as amazing as it is.

Briefly, the first movie is about an older sister Katniss Everdeen who volunteers to take her little sister’s place in what their nation calls “The Hunger Games“. A televised fight to the death in which two teenagers from each of the twelve Districts of Panem are chosen at random to compete. Katniss and her district partner Peeta change the game by deciding to die together, rather than kill the other as the game is suppose to be won.

In the second movie Catching Fire, they are made to portray themselves as a couple when they have to participate in the “Quarter Quell” (an event that occurs every 25th year of the Games and allows the Capitol to introduce a twist). Which the Capitol decides to bring all the previous victors to the arena to compete against each other. The victors come together and fuel the district’s uprisings by destroying the forcefield. In the chaos Peeta and Katniss are separated, Katniss with the rebels from the bombed District 13 and Peeta captured by the capital. Ending with Katniss finding out that her district has now been bombed as well.

In the last movie Mockingjay Part 1, Katniss is enlisted as the Mockingjay (which is her trademark and the symbol of the uprising). She is voice of the people and the leader of the revolution. She sees and hears the story about how the Capitol destroyed her District. As well as, witness how far the Capitol is willing to go in order to disband the rebels. She realizes that the Capitol has brainwashed Peeta through torture and has turned him against her.

I bet now you’re wondering “what’s the forewarning?” Well, there are Capitol enlisted parole officers that are called “Peacekeepers”.  They are police-like officers that enforce the Capitol’s will onto the citizens. They kill those that are a threat to the Capitol and engaged in the uprising. They are the ones that bomb the districts that are going against the grain.

To the “Peacekeepers” are much like the “National Guards” that are called in when citizen being to riot. Gun toting officers that somehow forget that they are citizens when they aren’t armed and are out of uniform. Now, it’s no secret that our Capital is, in many ways, just as corrupt as this fictional Capitol. Agreed, they don’t force us into “Hunger Games” in which we have to kill each other in the confinement of an arena. But they definitely pin us against each within our neighborhoods.

How you ask? While let’s start with racism/segregation between races instead of districts. Then there’s the discrimination within the classes. The rich are well above middle class and middle class is only a notch above the lower class. The poor are pretty much non existent, much like District 13.

Just like the rebels of the Hunger Games uprising, we as citizens are the majority. Yet, we are still stuck where the presidents and corrupt politicians have left us to fend for ourselves or depend on their assistance or accept their injustice and oppression. I wonder, almost everyday, when will people wake up to all the signs around us. And everytime, I get the feeling that once people start paying attention and take their blinders off, it will be to late. But it doesn’t haven’t to be that way.

No, I’m not trying to be Katniss. I’m well aware that the story is fiction but I also know I’m not the only one who reads between the lines. I also know that I’m not the only one who sees that things are only getting more out of hand. Am I suggesting an uprising? Not yet, but I am suggesting that you take your blinders off and realize how much control the government has over your life.

If you want change…Be the Change!

One of my favorite quotes by Gandhi is “BE the CHANGE YOU WISH to SEE in the WORLD!” I personally, took it to heart!

I’m a dreamer! ALWAYS have been and most likely ALWAYS will be. I’m one of the crazies that STILL believe that change is possible!

The devil WILL get inside YOUR head and convince you that YOU’RE a lot of things that YOU’RE NOT! So, YOU have to BE careful with YOUR thoughts!


No New Friends…Few REAL Friends

I told you!

They say friends are family members we get to choose for ourselves. And we all know how dysfunctional family can be. Yet, we can go from talking/hanging with someone every day to never talking to them again. But that’s fine right? Or nah?

I can’t speak for you, but making friends has never been at the top of my list. It has a lot to do with the fact that I grew up with a big family. And we didn’t just get to together for reunions, we got together almost every weekend! So, I never had the urge to make friends. Don’t get me wrong, I had friends, but I picked them and I picked very few.

Between the years of 04-08, I went to live with my Popz side of my family. So, I didn’t get to hang with my cousins and childhood friends as muchFB_IMG_1425197727554. Then, when I moved back, I wasn’t the same and neither were they. As a result, I started cutting people off and distancing myself. I didn’t discriminate either, it was family and friends alike.

I think that happens a lot in relationships. When life starts hitting us, (and most times, it hits us all in a different way), we get defensive. It’s just our nature, to come out swinging and sometime as a result we don’t care who gets hit. And because it hits us all differently, we feel as though people aren’t there for us when we need them the most. Not necessarily because they left or didn’t try to reach out but because we believe they wouldn’t understand.

As far as where I am now, I would love to have some people to chill with. Yet, I’m not the best mingler. Small talk isn’t something I do. I can’t just walk up to people and start talking to them, unless I have A VERY STRONG URGE to do so. It’s awkward to and for me.

The fact that I have trust issues, probably doesn’t help either, huh? *shrug* I just don’t trust a person as far as I can see them. Two-faced is a real personality trait to me. If you walked in my shoes, you’d understand.FB_IMG_1424985515708

Don’t get me wrong, I admire those that are overly friendly and can talk with anybody. I feel as though that’s a very special quality. I know a lot of people like that and it amazes me every time I see them in action. But, it’s not who I am. There was a time when it was me, but that little girl died in 2003.

I know that I’m a great friend and I’m not ever intentionally mean to anyone; but I’m just a quite person. If you don’t start a conversation with me, we probably won’t ever have a conversation. UNLESS, I’m extremely moved to do so and the perfect time arrives. It’s nothing against you or that I think I’m better than. I’m just not a small talker but I am a complimenter.

I love to give people compliments! That’s probably the thing that starts every conversation I’ve ever had. But few ever really move past “Thanks!” and “You’re welcome!”FB_IMG_1425022429330

I’m not exactly sure how to change, so I’ve left that in the hands of the Holy Spirit. Because I’ve said, many times, that I was going to try to just walk up to people and start conversations. I never do of course. Truth is, I never know what to say to keep the conversations that I do start going. Because I don’t know them; so here’s my conundrum, how do you get to know someone if you don’t know them enough to get to know them?

Luckily for me, I have a big family and a few friends that love me unconditionally. Headed in the direction that I’m headed in, I’m going to NEED to learn how to network and start conversations with complete strangers. So, I started praying for help in this area, and God sent family and friends back into my life that I believe will help me get to where I need/want to be. People who understand my personality and appreciate it. People who can push me forward and help me up when I fall short.

This is what we all need and want when we look deep within. People that love us unconditionally. Fully, truly, honestly, and genuinely. And we ALL hurt when we love someone in such a way and find out that they don’t/didn’t love us in the same respect. But I’ve learned that everything has its seasons, even relationships.FB_IMG_1424558999077

The Holy Trinity are the ONLY ones that will be with you forever and always. They are the light you search for and find in the deepest of darkness. I can’t speak for everybody, but I know for sure, looking over my life…They’ve ALWAYS been there and have NEVER left!

Creative Commons License
This work by Jasmine Harris is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Introduction to the Founder!

Hello! My name is Jasmine. I’m a 25-year-old aspiring writer from Louisville, KY. I’ve been writing literally before I knew words. Most people laugh when I say that, but it’s true. I try to use my gift as much as I possibly can, it keeps me at peace to be honest.

WIN_20150302_131058See, I’ve been on a journey of self-discovery since I graduated high school in 2008. But it wasn’t until 2012, that I reached the core of my being. I became extremely close to The Holy Spirit. How did I accomplish this? By reading the Bible for a whole year.

I must admit that if it weren’t for The Bible App, I probably wouldn’t have made it to the end. Not because I couldn’t understand it, but because I wouldn’t have read it. Trust me, I know. I tried to read it 2007 and didn’t make it pass the third book (Deuteronomy). Beside some of those names…Don’t get me started.

The app helped me because it had a one year reading plan, that’s how I got my reminders. It also, had an audio option that read it to me. It was amazing because sometimes they added music to the background. So, I recommend it to anyone trying to get closer to The Trinity. It will truly change your life, if you let it.

It is because of that life changing experience, that I now know who I am as a woman and a  writer. I have full confidence in myself, my gifts, my future, and everything that the Bible says about life. I know now who my audience is and how to speak to them. Now, I know what I want my underlining message to be and it is BE YOU. That is what gives me the confidence to step out in faith and write! Write until I’m no longer able to do so. I’ve ALWAYS dreamed of becoming a New York Times Bestselling Author. I refuse to stop until becomes my reality.

I’m not completely sure what God’s will for my life is but I’ve ALWAYS felt like I was destine for greatness. That I was born to do some amazing things. It could be just my ego, but it’s truly deeper than that. I’ve been blessed with visions of my future and all I can do is thank Jesus in advance for all that He has in store for me.

When I look back over my life, I see how He has always been grooming me. I’ve been through what may seem like a lot if WIN_20150302_131103you hear my story in full but He’s never allowed me to lose hope or stop chasing my dreams. I’ve had to go through quite a few changes and transformations to get to where I am now.

As an effect of those changes, I’ve broken many cycles. Cycles within my family, my relationships(friends, lovers, strangers), my thoughts, my actions, and my visions. I feel so amazingly, grateful to God for all that he’s done in my life.

Like I expressed before, I don’t know exactly what God wants to do with my life. But a few years ago, I was blessed with an idea to write a book. Cycle Breaking 101, but then I kept thinking what if I just made a group on Facebook? But that didn’t work out…Everyone isn’t ready for change. Which is okay, in due time they too will realize the errors of their ways.

On the other hand, I KNOW there ARE people who want to break the chains they were born into. So, I decided to create THIS movement! For any and everybody that wants to break a cycle, has broken a cycle, and/or created a better cycle. I can’t make anyone join this movement but I hope that The Cycle Breakers can post something that will at least make you a fan or supporter. If so, I would like to thank you in advance and promise that we will always write from our hearts. Shall we start this adventure?

Look Straight Ahead!

It is because of my Heavenly Father that EVERYTHING is possible!

FOREVER GRATEFUL & THANKFUL that HE has blessed ME with exponential potential and abundant blessings! My cup is ALMOST FULL and I advise you to be ready when it overflows!

The WORLD has NEVER even heard of the things HE’S about to do through my life! I’m NOT even COMPLETELY ready! Lol But I’ve been allowed the opportunity to see a few visions and make a lot of plans!