Introduction to the Founder!

Hello! My name is Jasmine. I’m a 25-year-old aspiring writer from Louisville, KY. I’ve been writing literally before I knew words. Most people laugh when I say that, but it’s true. I try to use my gift as much as I possibly can, it keeps me at peace to be honest.

WIN_20150302_131058See, I’ve been on a journey of self-discovery since I graduated high school in 2008. But it wasn’t until 2012, that I reached the core of my being. I became extremely close to The Holy Spirit. How did I accomplish this? By reading the Bible for a whole year.

I must admit that if it weren’t for The Bible App, I probably wouldn’t have made it to the end. Not because I couldn’t understand it, but because I wouldn’t have read it. Trust me, I know. I tried to read it 2007 and didn’t make it pass the third book (Deuteronomy). Beside some of those names…Don’t get me started.

The app helped me because it had a one year reading plan, that’s how I got my reminders. It also, had an audio option that read it to me. It was amazing because sometimes they added music to the background. So, I recommend it to anyone trying to get closer to The Trinity. It will truly change your life, if you let it.

It is because of that life changing experience, that I now know who I am as a woman and a  writer. I have full confidence in myself, my gifts, my future, and everything that the Bible says about life. I know now who my audience is and how to speak to them. Now, I know what I want my underlining message to be and it is BE YOU. That is what gives me the confidence to step out in faith and write! Write until I’m no longer able to do so. I’ve ALWAYS dreamed of becoming a New York Times Bestselling Author. I refuse to stop until becomes my reality.

I’m not completely sure what God’s will for my life is but I’ve ALWAYS felt like I was destine for greatness. That I was born to do some amazing things. It could be just my ego, but it’s truly deeper than that. I’ve been blessed with visions of my future and all I can do is thank Jesus in advance for all that He has in store for me.

When I look back over my life, I see how He has always been grooming me. I’ve been through what may seem like a lot if WIN_20150302_131103you hear my story in full but He’s never allowed me to lose hope or stop chasing my dreams. I’ve had to go through quite a few changes and transformations to get to where I am now.

As an effect of those changes, I’ve broken many cycles. Cycles within my family, my relationships(friends, lovers, strangers), my thoughts, my actions, and my visions. I feel so amazingly, grateful to God for all that he’s done in my life.

Like I expressed before, I don’t know exactly what God wants to do with my life. But a few years ago, I was blessed with an idea to write a book. Cycle Breaking 101, but then I kept thinking what if I just made a group on Facebook? But that didn’t work out…Everyone isn’t ready for change. Which is okay, in due time they too will realize the errors of their ways.

On the other hand, I KNOW there ARE people who want to break the chains they were born into. So, I decided to create THIS movement! For any and everybody that wants to break a cycle, has broken a cycle, and/or created a better cycle. I can’t make anyone join this movement but I hope that The Cycle Breakers can post something that will at least make you a fan or supporter. If so, I would like to thank you in advance and promise that we will always write from our hearts. Shall we start this adventure?

Our Greatest Asset!

I’ve ALWAYS said “MY BRAIN IS THE GREATEST BLESSING GOD HAS EVER BLESSED ME WITH BESIDES LIFE ITSELF!” Because truthfully, everything you see or hear is filtered through your mind first. It’s your brain that tells you not to do something because it’s dangerous. It is your brain that weeds through every word you hear. You should be very diligent about what you allow your brain to save, just as you would your computer.

Although, I MUST ADMIT, I used to be chained to a FEW of these things! Weed, TV, Money, Facebook, Rap, and Technology. But I’VE LEARNED, literally searched for the knowledge, that changed EVERYTHING about me! I’ve ALWAYS refused to be anything LESS THAN A SYMBOL OF GREATEST! I’m determined to be a game changer for the future generations to come.


Learn+Teach= Growth FOR ALL!

#BlackLivesMatter! Our Brain Power has ALWAYS been our Greatest Asset! KNOW THAT TO BE A FACT!

Prayer Works

We should ALL get comfortable NOT knowing. But NEVER be AFRAID to SEE what GOD wants to show US! Because when we try to figure everything out on our own, we only stress ourselves out more. And we all know that stress often leads to depression. None of us need that in our lives!

So, pray about EVERYTHING and ANYTHING! The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 KJV “Pray without ceasing!” That doesn’t mean to pray one long, neverending prayer. It simple means, pray EVERY time you have the chance. For yourself, for your loved ones, your neighbors, your country, the world, etc.

Now, I can’t guarantee that your prayers will be answered instantly or that life will all of sudden make sense and get better. But I know from experience that when it’s ALL SAID and DONE, everything will come together accordingly!


I don’t talk to very many people about much of anything. NOT because I’m trying to be mean/rude or even because I “think” I’m superior.  It’s JUST, MOST people wouldn’t/don’t comprehend. Not necessarily because they’re “stupid” BUT because they’re ignorant. Which AREN’T the same!

I love teaching/learning NEW things but sadly NOT EVERYBODY does! I used to be one of those people who corrected people when they mispronounced a word. They would always say “You should be a teacher, always correcting somebody!” My thing was, why be mad at someone for helping you? I’m trying to help you so that the next time you say it around someone else, they don’t think you’re stupid.


So, as a result of the backlash…I stopped correcting people. I now allow a lot of them go out into world sounding as stupid as they are. I, personally, love when someone corrects me. To me, it shows they care enough to teach me. And education is power, so please recharge me!

Weatherproof Your Life!

I came up with THIS a while back…BUT it is FOREVER relevant!

The devil hates it when his tricks are overlooked, when his lies are ignored, when his minions fail. But I tell you the truth..when you deny him entry into your life, it gets easier with intention! When you make it YOUR mission to weatherproof your life, it’s easier to be patient through the storm.