Somebody’s, Not Somebodies

A threat to society if you ask the government.

REMEMBER: We were never meant to be “somebodies”, we were brought here to be “somebody’s”. We were counted as livestock and listed as 3/5 of a person.

So, you’ll save YOURSELF a lot of time, money, stress, and heartache if you realize how much most of the “bullshit” you worry about, buy, and compare YOUR life to…is, at its core, worthless.

HEAD TO TOE, INSIDE-OUT! It’s a false sense of satisfaction that you’ll always be chasing. A mirage that will always disappear once you think you’re close enough to reach it.

So, my advice is to do what makes YOU happy! Be who God created you to be! And go after every dream that’s stored in your heart! As long as you’ve got the Holy Trinity on your side, what’s the worse that can happen?

With God ALL things are made possible!