How to be alone (and love yourself the most!) without feeling lonely in 2016©

There are a lot people (mostly women) that believe that if they’re not in a relationship, their life is ruined. That honestly think, that because they are alone, they are automatically lonely. When in all honesty, loneliness is more of a state of mind than it is a status.

I’ve been single for quite a while now. If I told you how long, you’d like I was the loneliest person you’ve ever met. Actually, it’s the opposite. I have been truly enjoying my alone time. Working on myself, getting to know me better.

Do I get lonely sometimes? Absolutely! Do I ever wish I had someone to share my life with? Duh! Do I get down and depressed about it? Not so much anymore. I guess growing up an only child for the first decade of my life, prepared me to be my own best friend.

As women, we’re programmed as little girls to wish and wait for Prince Charming to ride up on his white horse and be this hero in shining armor. But if you asked 100 women if they’ve ever had such an experience. I’m positive, at least 99% of them haven’t. And the 1% that did, probably saw his true character within a few months. He doesn’t exist ladies, it was an illusion!

best kind of people

As men, you guys are programmed as little boys to wish and want the Beauty Queen. But if you asked 100 men if they’re satisfied with the woman they’re with. I’m positive 90% of them would probably say not really. Because once she takes off all her make-up, takes out her weave and the girdle comes off. She is no longer the woman he lusted after.

Like I said, I’ve been single for a long time and I’m still not in a rush to fall in love. I’ve done my fair share of relationship research and found that is less about the person and more about what you’re willing to accept. What about the person’s character? Most people don’t even stop to think about that part. And it’s the most important part of a person!

There are four things you should do before trying to enter into another relationship!

  1. Accept Yourself – First, you must know that you are made in the image of the Most High God! He made you with His own hands. So, accept yourself fully and completely. Yes, that means flaws and all! Both inside and out.
  2. Know Your Worth – You are more than a conqueror! You can do all things through Him who strengthens you! Don’t allow someone else to determine your worth when you were already brought for the highest price, that is the blood of Jesus!
  3. Be Content – Enjoy your time alone with yourself! How can you expect someone to love being alone with you, if you don’t? Take this time to know what you truly want and need from a relationship. That will insure that you don’t settle for anything less than you deserve.
  4. Stay Patient – God’s timing is perfect! He may not show up when we feel He should, but he’s never late. So try to have some patience. Then, when you are in the arms of your soul mate, you’ll know that it was worth the patientAgain, I’m not certified expert. I’m just paying attention. I’ve seen A LOT of relationship that failed and that are extremely unhealthy. And in each of those relationships, one or both of the duo lacked one of these four things. They didn’t love themselves (so of course they didn’t know their worth) or they weren’t content with being by themselves (because of lack of patience).My point is, don’t jump into a relationship just because you don’t want to be lonely. Because there are too many people that are in relationships RIGHT NOW and are extremely lonely. So please believe, you don’t have to be alone to be lonely. You can be lonely even in a crowd of people. It’s all about how you feel about yourself.

    FB_IMG_1438708223033Copyright 2016

There’s ALWAYS SOMETHING to be Thankful for!

I’m thankful for:FB_IMG_1423771786712

First and foremost, my creator, my FATHER GOD who is the source of all my blessings!

My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who sacrificed HIS blameless life for me, a born sinner.

My FAMILY! Especially those that make up my household, which is: My Mother, Grandmother, and Great-Uncle.

My gifts and talents.

The wisdom I’ve been blessed to receive.

The knowledge, intelligence, and truth I’ve been blessed to learn.

My vision, which I know, without a doubt in my mind, comes from above.

My voice because I’ve been told numerous times that it’s soothing.

My mind, body, spirit, and soul.

FB_IMG_1423585344969My life and the story it creates.

My REAL friends and loved ones.


Instead of counting sheep at night, I enjoy counting my blessings to sleep!

It activates a very peaceful sleep!

So, what are you thankful for?

Be Alert!

As a writer, I’m VERY aware of the POWER words CAN and DO have!

The Bible says “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” -Proverbs 18:21

The devil WILL speak and think for YOU if you allow him to! So, be ALERT! HE’S ALWAYS LURKING!

Prayer Works

We should ALL get comfortable NOT knowing. But NEVER be AFRAID to SEE what GOD wants to show US! Because when we try to figure everything out on our own, we only stress ourselves out more. And we all know that stress often leads to depression. None of us need that in our lives!

So, pray about EVERYTHING and ANYTHING! The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 KJV “Pray without ceasing!” That doesn’t mean to pray one long, neverending prayer. It simple means, pray EVERY time you have the chance. For yourself, for your loved ones, your neighbors, your country, the world, etc.

Now, I can’t guarantee that your prayers will be answered instantly or that life will all of sudden make sense and get better. But I know from experience that when it’s ALL SAID and DONE, everything will come together accordingly!